WEBSITE : website is the whole property of Winston & Léon SARL
Publication director : Léonard Vigier
Website hosted by ADVENCY, 34 rue du Languedoc, 31000 Toulouse - France
The information contained on the website stand to present properties for which Winston & Léon holds a mandate.
These informations can be modified at any time without notice by the agency and do not stand as contractual value.
Every content, image, graph is the property of Winston & Léon SARL.
No one is authorized to use, exploit, copy, extract, distribute, broadcast, download, sell or publish the content of this website without written prior agreement from Winston & Léon SARL.
The AGENCy :
Winston & Léon SARL, 10.000€ of share capital
Headquarters : 91 rue du faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 Paris - France
Registered RCS de Paris n°807 529 649 - Certified real estate Agent and professional card holder CPI 7501 2018 000 037 981 delivered by CCI île de France.
Headquarters :
91 rue du faubourg Saint Honoré,
75008 Paris
Phone : 01 86 95 85 64
Email :
RGPD - DAta processing policy :
Information collection is related to the publication and search of properties for which declarations n°1817826 & n°1817827 have been registered at CNIL according to French legislation.
Winston & Léon uses a CRM to manage, process and improve our service to our customers.
Collected informations are processed.
According to articles 39 et suivants de la loi n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004 relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés and Loi RGPD du 20 juin 2018,
Everyone can obtain, modify or require to delete information related to him by formal request to Winston & Léon agency.
confidentiality POLIcy
Winston & Léon agency applies a strict confidentiality policy regarding all collected information.
Exception given to financial guarantees file required by French legislation that can be divulged to the property landlord, any other collected data is exclusively dedicated to an internal usage.
Any unused data is deleted.